How Create a Blog and Start Blogging

How Create a Blog and Start Blogging


What is Blogger?

Blogger is a Multi Publishing Service. You can make multi blogs on your one gmail account. it was developed by Pyra Labs. Blogger is the bought by Google Company in 2003. Blogs are Hosted by google and domain by

Blogging is the best way of make earning you have no need to skill for using blogging you have just well typing speed and well English writing who able to read and know. you made any type of blog who want to best chose on your thinking. like as you want to create a gaming blog, then you post daily on your blog related gaming . Well the easiest way to earn money is to entertain other by create a blog. But once your start blogging you must need to wait for 2 to 3 months to get the attention of audience. This is the only reason why new bloggers get dishearten due to no audience and hence stop blogging. So whenever you start a blog no matter if you get any audience in first few months do not stop blogging. Post at least one post per day, publishing multiple posts per day will multiply the chances of getting audience attention. 

When you reached daily traffic of your blog maximum One Thousands visitors per day then you have ready to earn money online but how i will tell you whole detail in the next topic. if you can post daily maximum post more then 5 post per day so you can increase your site rank more quickly and increase google rank and Alexa rank and get your site or blog on the top of the lists on google top 10 website lists in search engines. You can daily one post Regularly remember do not copy paste Articles from another website if you do this so you can not make a successful website who make your rank, if you want to work legally so write own articles and post daily, at least one post per day write on your blog, because when google crawls are come to see your site if you can't post regularly so the remain that the site is dead and they can't come in next time if you post daily so google crawls and spiders when visit your site then check your daily post activity so they visit regularly and index latest post quickly in our data base. so my next post is coming soon with video tutorial. some people did not know about blogger i guide him completely and use him Basic to advance level.

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