FM-PDF-To-Word-Converter-Free Download
Our free PDF to Word converter is a state of the art FREE software for converting PDF documents into editable Microsoft Word Document (.doc) format, using artificial intelligence.
It uses our proprietary conversion engine to detect content in PDF files. This freeware conversion utility can handle images in PDF documents and also supports UTF-encoded text content. The created Word document is fully formatted and easily editable. It is a standalone desktop application, that is it doesn't require any third-party software to be installed on your computer.
Our free PDF to Word converter is a state of the art FREE software for converting PDF documents into editable Microsoft Word Document (.doc) format, using artificial intelligence.
It uses our proprietary conversion engine to detect content in PDF files. This freeware conversion utility can handle images in PDF documents and also supports UTF-encoded text content. The created Word document is fully formatted and easily editable. It is a standalone desktop application, that is it doesn't require any third-party software to be installed on your computer.